Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Taco Tuesday

Today I was thinking about my nomadic life and how displaced I feel at the moment. Even at home I don't feel like I totally belong and I have a restlessness of searching for where my place is. I was reading Psalm 84 and it was comforting to know that I probably won't ever find my true place of belonging until I step into Heaven and enter the courts of the Lord. My mum sent me verse 5 the other day which says: What joy for those whose strength comes from the Lord, who have set their minds on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem.
I'm not on a literal pilgrimage to Jerusalem (although I might pop over and have a look during Sept), but I am on a journey to find where I'm supposed to belong temporarily for the next stage of life. It's exciting!

Today was spent doing some shopping with Ilene...a Costco run which is always good for free food samples, and buying anything in ridiculously large sizes. I also got to catch up with our old family friends, Tom and Chaundel Holladay, who started Saddleback with Rick and Kay Warren and are still serving there. Was such a special time spent catching up with them for their family's Taco Tuesday dinner.
Grateful for many years of sharing the journey together (in this instance 22 years).

Ilene thought that she was picking up Bob and Kari tonight from the airport but after waiting and waiting for Bob to come and him never eventuating, it became clear that they are coming home tomorrow night. Will be good when they finally arrive.

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