Monday, 17 June 2013

Life in Sunny So Cal

It's been a fun week since I posted last, catching up with Bob and Kari who returned from Rwanda. It's been interesting hearing from Bob and Ilene of all the work that Saddleback Church has put into the restoration of Rwanda. It has taken a long time to get to the point where the country is moving forward. It's hopeful to see something so broken, now moving past the past and into the future. Ilene said that the preschool they have been helping out have talked to the local school and they are a little concerned that the preschool kids will get bored when they get to Year 1 as they seem to be getting such a great education at the preschool.

I've been able to hang out at the beach a bit. I go with my friend who is a surfer and sit on the beach and read, or watch the other surfers. It was almost warm enough to go in the water today but unfortunately the beach with the good surf is covered with large rocks. The surfers tentatively walk out very slowly until it's deep enough to swim, and honestly I'm not that desperate to go in the cold water. It's lovely just to relax and see the horizon and get some fresh air.

Yesterday I thought I'd go for a walk on some of the horse trails around the house where I am living at the moment. I got completely lost but had my phone with GPS on it so it told me where I needed to go. Much more interesting that just walking around the streets. My hips, which have been bothering me since Hawaii, seem to be behaving themselves too. I googled my problem and the internet seems to think that the biggest problem is the way I walk, so I've been concentrating on my gait and it seems to have helped.

This weekend was Father's Day in the US so we celebrated it on Saturday as Bob, Ilene and Kari were away for a family wedding for the rest of the weekend. We had waffles for brunch and it was nice to sit outside on the back patio and enjoy the cool morning. This meant I was on horse-sitting duty, making sure the horses in the backyard were fed. I was also supposed to go hiking this weekend, but my hips were bothering me, after a long walk to the beach the day before, and my friend who I was going with cut his foot open while surfing. So us walking wounded ended up not doing much at all.

So my life here is not necessarily that exciting but it's been good to reconnect with people and just catch up on what others are doing and learning. Lots of down time and I feel very much in holiday mode. I wonder if it's going to be very hard to go back to work at the end of 4 months. Who knows where or what that will be. For now I'm enjoying the ride.
Picture: Me at the beach today and the backyard I get to hang out in....when I am talking with people I get so engrossed in the conversation that I forget to take photos of people. Sorry, I'll try to remember.


  1. What kind of man hunt is this? I can't see any men in those pictures! You might be hunting in the wrong savannahs

  2. No one seems to take me seriously when I say I'm looking for a husband. They all laugh at me. Sigh.

  3. No one seems to take me seriously when I say I'm looking for a husband. They all laugh at me. Sigh.
